Things You Should Know Before Towing a Tiny House
Towing your tiny home on wheels is not as simple as buying a truck and pulling the trailer along. Here are what you should know regarding the whole process of doing so.
Towing your tiny home on wheels is not as simple as buying a truck and pulling the trailer along. Here are what you should know regarding the whole process of doing so.
Another factor that is often overlooked is the weight of the structure. Especially for a tiny house trailer, how much everything weighs is a matter of more significant importance than you might have thought.
Are you thinking of constructing an ADU on your lot or renting one? Here’s everything you, as the homeowner or tenant, need to know about the construction of these types of small house units, the costs, and the benefits.
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As you prepare for this project, please bear in mind that “small” does not equal “cheap”. We are not a low-budget builder.
Our project contracts range from $240 to $500+ per square foot, with cost decreasing as square footage increases. Due to current market conditions, we cannot offer construction contract pricing under $150,000, with the exception being accessory structures with no plumbing (i.e.: backyard office). If your specified budget is not realistic for your project, we will respectfully cancel your consultation with an email response as to why.
We look forward to speaking with you.
As you prepare for this project, please bear in mind that “small” does not equal “cheap”. We are not a low-budget builder.
Our project contracts range from $240 to $500+ per square foot, with cost decreasing as square footage increases. Due to current market conditions, we cannot offer construction contract pricing under $150,000, with the exception being accessory structures with no plumbing (i.e.: backyard office). If your specified budget is not realistic for your project, we will respectfully cancel your consultation with an email response as to why.
We look forward to speaking with you.