Suburban Bliss
Prototype 18 - Suburban Bliss
Prototype 18 - Suburban BlissBasics
- Price per sqft: $2.20
- Date added: Added 1 year ago
- Bedrooms: 2
- Bathrooms: 1
- Floors: 1
- Floor level: 1
- Area, sq ft: 815 sq ft
- Lot size, sq ft: 815 sq ft
Delightful one-story home, boasting a light beige exterior accented with sleek black window and door frames. This charming residence offers a blend of modern sophistication and cozy comfort, providing a welcoming retreat for you and your loved ones. The home features two bedrooms, each offering a peaceful retreat for rest and relaxation. The master bedroom is spacious and inviting, with a comfortable bed and ample storage space. The second bedroom is perfect for guests or family members, providing a cozy haven for a good night's sleep.
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What's Included in My Build?
- Below is a list of whats included in the base price of this specific Home. You'll notice a list of Inclusions and Exclusions:: Exclusions typically can't be included in base pricing for a tiny home because they represent optional features or customizations that may vary widely depending on the buyer's preferences, location, and lot condition. Since every customer has different needs, including exclusions would make it difficult to provide an accurate base price. Inclusions, on the other hand, are standard features or finishes that are part of the core design and structure of the tiny home, and are therefore predictable and consistent. Including these in the base pricing ensures transparency and allows for a clear understanding of what is guaranteed as part of the home's purchase, without unnecessary surprises.
- Blueprints, Structural Engineering (Foundation, Wind-Bracing, Ceiling, Roof, Subfloor (if 2 story).
- City Zoning Review, Technical Review and/or County Basic Development Permit Review, Electrical Service Review.
- Surveying
- Sediment Control Fencing (property specific)
- Foundation
- Concrete Landings and AC pads (design specific)
- Framing
- Electrical Grounding in Foundation, Rough Wiring, Electrical Yard-Lines, and Final Trim-Out (Garage designs will have 1 utlet sized to charge electrical vehicles)
- Plumbing
- Gravity Sewer Yard Line (Up to 30' of gravity sewer yard line. Additional linear footage from stub-out to tie-in will result in an increase.)
- Low Voltage Wiring (Design Specific)
- City/Third Party Inspections/Re-inspections
- Port-a-Potty
- Termite Treatment
- Windows
- Drywall
- Siding
- Roof
- Interior and Exterior Doors and Hardware
- Interior and Exterior Paint
- Spray Foam Insulation
- Drywall
- Interior Trim
- Cabinets
- Kitchen/Other Back Splash (Customer Chooses and Pays for)
- Mirrors
- Countertops
- Tile
- Flooring ( Up to 2 types of flooring with determined allowance per sqft)
- All Plumbing and Electrical Finishes with healthy materials allowances
- Water Heater
- Shower Glass (Design Specific)
- Safety Rails (Design Specific)
- Balcony Waterproofing and Deck Finish (Design Specific)
- Shower Pan (Design Specific)
- Backfill against slab to create 5% slope for 5' away from the house.
- Trash Haul, Storage, Dump Fees
- Final Cleans
- Water Bill
- Power Bill
- Pricing includes the assumption that the build-site is shovel ready, with no greater than 12" deviation in grade from the highest grade adjacent to the foundation, and lowest grade adjacent to the foundation.
- Tree / Arborist Review
- Tree Protection: (mulch, fencing, trunk wrapping)
- Architect's Review / Seal
- Geo-Tech Soil Drilling, Lab Analysis, and Engineer's Report
- Civil Engineering / Tap Plan
- WUI Review and Inspections
- Septic Engineering Plans, County Review, and County Permit.
- Septic System Installation and Inspections.
- Grinder Pump, Lift Station.
- Appliances (Range Oven, Microwave, Fridge, Dishwasher, Washer/Dryer).
- Topographic Conditions
- Air-Spading/Hand Digging in CRZ
- Electrical Service Upgrades to Existing Electrical Service.
- New Electrical Service
- Sewage Ejector Pump
- Water Meter or Water Tap Upgrades.
- Impact Fees from water/sewer authority.
- Driveway/Driveway Approach
- Sidewalk and/or In-Lieu of Sidewalk Fee - City of Austin only
- Sod/Final Landscaping
- Water/Sewer Tap/Impact Fees, and Meter Fees.
- Other Requirements by the governing authority unknown to us at this time
- Builders Risk Insurance Policy
- Any required/needed Demolition
- Patio Screening
- Rainwater Collection
- Gutters
- Solar Panels
- Well/Well House
- Propane Installation
- Gas Lines. (Price assumes 100% electric.)
- Water Softener
- Retaining Walls
- Tree Removal, Trimming, Strump Grinding or Excavation