There’s many factors to be considered. Backyard buildings are our passion! Accordingly, we’ve done deep research to satisfy various city’s zoning codes and septic regulations of various counties. We have maintenance close communication with various municipalities’ Development Services Departments and are always on the lookout for revisions to the adopted codes.
Here are some questions we ask ourselves during our feasibility / due-diligence study on a specific lot to consult with our clients on the best path forward:
– What is the purpose of the structure?
– What is to be included in the structure in order to accomplish that purpose?
– Location of the lot (City or County? Which City, Which County?)
– Is there a special zoning overlay or neighborhood planning area for the lot?
– Is there an HOA or any enforceable deed restrictions for the lot?
– Is the existing home on a well or a public water source?
– Is the existing home on a septic system or does it tie-in to the sewer?
– What is the size of the lot?
– What is the size of the existing home?
– How many bathrooms are in the existing home?
– What is the existing Impervious Cover %?
– What is the existing Building Coverage %?
– What is the existing Floor-Area-Ratio (FAR)?
– Are there any locally protected trees or state protected heritage trees on the lot?
– Are there any drainage or utility easements on the lot?
– What are the building setbacks from lot lines?
– Will an exterior visitability route be required on this lot?
– Is an additional parking spot above the code minimum required for an ADU on this lot?
– Is the lot in a floodplain?
– Is the lot in an Erosion Hazards Zone?
– Will the lot require a water service line upgrade under the street?
– Will the lot require an existing water meter upgrade?
– Will an electrical service panel upgrade be necessary?
– Will the ADU house the electric meter(s) and main panel, or will the existing house?