Things You Should Know Before Towing a Tiny House
Towing your tiny home on wheels is not as simple as buying a truck and pulling the trailer along. Here are what you should know regarding the whole process of doing so.
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Just like how homes can be any size you want, whether small, average, or wide, you could also build them in different ways. The most common methods are on-site and modular construction.
Building a home is a significant life decision none belittles. How you choose to go through with this could dictate your future. How much time, effort and resources will this require? What are the problems that you could encounter later on? Most importantly, how would this affect your everyday life? It is not wrong to say that choosing the wrong type of home, foundation, and building method could lead to undesired results.
You should keep in mind that there is no set answer to this situation. Whatever is the best decision depends on your budget, location, needs, and preferences. For example, if you have a big family, choose a house with enough space for everyone. However, If you aim for a minimal lifestyle, tiny homes could be perfect for you. In this case, you have many options on how to proceed, such as the modular method, for example.
The traditional way of building a home starts with building the foundation on a plot of land, creating walls, and adding the roof. Once the exterior is done, the interior comes next. However, inconveniences could occur like bad weather conditions, or the construction could be disrupting for other households in the neighborhood. This is where modular homes, otherwise called factory-built, system-built, or prefabricated/prefab homes, come into the scene.
In the modular building method, the construction is separated into smaller three-dimensional sections called modules. Each is built in a factory, including the interior, exterior, and even electric wiring and plumbing. Afterward, these are assembled, and the house is done and good to go.
Compared to custom-built homes on-site or on trailers, the essence of modular houses lies in putting different sections together. These are permanent; therefore, foundations and insurance premiums are the same as site-built houses. It is also not limited to a specific size, so you can have an average-sized or tiny modular home.
Unfortunately, you cannot just simply buy a tiny plot of land and have your modular home on it. This is because many areas prohibit the construction of small houses, although that depends on their zoning and building regulations. The good thing is that since this type of tiny home is built on a foundation, it can be legally considered as an accessory dwelling unit, or specifically, a modular ADU. This means you could have it constructed on a single-family lot or a tiny house community, where a collection of ADUs is built around a larger structure.
While the modular building method is more commonly used for homes, it is not limited to such. This means that it could also be applied in a commercial setting. If you plan to construct an office building, it is possible to build it in sections or modules. After all, this process has unique features that could be advantageous to you.
Think of the process of constructing a modular home as building with Lego blocks. It starts with the individual pieces. In this case, the different sections or modules of the house are made in a factory. Here, the weather conditions are controlled. Once everything is finished, these modules are transported to the site.
Each section is set on the foundation, which could be a concrete slab, crawlspace, or basement type. The modules are then assembled with a crane. When that is over, finishing touches are made, and the keys are given to the homeowner.
One of the top reasons many choose small modular houses is that these could be more cost-effective than site-built average-sized homes. You could spend $90 to $120 for every square foot on average. Compared to traditional houses, the rates usually start at $150, so you can say there is a considerable difference. However, this ultimately depends on your decisions, such as which materials and furniture to purchase. Here are other advantages of tiny modular homes.
It is never ideal to only look at the positive side without considering the potential drawbacks and risks. With tiny modular houses, while the reduced costs are a common reason behind their popularity, it may not always be the end result. In fact, you could spend more than what you would have on an average-sized home if you plan it poorly, Besides, there are additional costs for transportation of the modules, which cost higher than transporting materials for traditional on-site construction. The disadvantages of this building method do not stop there.
If modular tiny homes suit your situation, needs, and preferences best, you could not go wrong with them. After all, it can offer you what any other type of house can, although the building method is different. Of course, it also comes with its disadvantages, but what does not? As long as it ticks all your boxes, it is all good. What matters is you are living in the best conditions in your favor.
When you are ready to take the next big step in your journey, the actual design and construction of your tiny modular home, let Small House Solutions offer its service. The team of experts under the company will guide you throughout the whole process to help you reach the best decision considering all your requirements. Rest assured that every minor detail of your plan for your dream house will be noted and brought to life.
Our custom design packages are tailored to your project’s specific requirements. We also offer a multitude of various 3D modeling and rendering services to give you unique perspectives of your new space before it is built.
Our full-service approach provides our clients with a smooth transition from a desire to build, to a completed development.
We handle everything under the Small House Solutions roof.
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Towing your tiny home on wheels is not as simple as buying a truck and pulling the trailer along. Here are what you should know regarding the whole process of doing so.
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