San Antonio, the second-largest city in Texas, is climbing the ranks fast in being one of the most family-friendly metropolitan areas in Texas and in the US. So many people are relocating to San Antonio that it was among the top five fastest-growing cities in the country in the past 5 years. With thousands of people migrating to the home of the Alamo each year, San Antonio living could be best for you.
Small House Solutions guarantees house plans and designs all compliant to local building codes and zoning ordinances provided in the city. A design build firm that handles everything from preliminary design, permitting to post-construction phases. Dwell Smart!
Basic Zoning Ordinances for Single Family Residential, Estate District Residential, Multi-Family or Mixed Residential can be found in the Unified Development Code (UDC) of San Antonio, TX under Article 3, Division 2: Zoning Districts. For each zoning district, your project will need to comply with the required building setbacks: the minimum distance from the property lines that a structure must be located.
Once we have properly identified what kind of zoning district your property belongs to, we will be able to go on to the next parts of the design process.
The city’s unified development code permits internal, attached, and detached accessory dwellings by right in multiple rural and residential districts, subject to use-specific standards (§35-311). These standards address owner occupancy, permitting, utilities, maximum occupancy, unit size, number of bedrooms, units per lot, parking area location, and setbacks (§35-371). The code’s off-street parking standards address accessory dwellings (§35-526).
ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit)
Affordable housing and neighborhood stability are important public objectives in the City of San Antonio. In recent years, accessory dwellings have become an important method to permit families to remain in their homes by securing rental income, while at the same time providing affordable housing for the elderly, single-person households, students, and other needy populations. Accessory dwellings are also known as “carriage houses,” “granny flats,” or “echo homes” (an acronym for “elder cottage housing opportunities”). Detached and Attached ADUs are subject to different provisions.
The city’s UDC permits internal, attached, and detached accessory dwellings by right in multiple rural and residential districts, subject to use-specific standards (§35-311). These standards address owner occupancy, permitting, utilities, maximum occupancy, unit size, number of bedrooms, units per lot, parking area location, and setbacks (§35-371). The code’s off-street parking standards address accessory dwellings (§35-526).
A permit is required to build an accessory structure greater than 300 sq. ft. Building Setbacks apply. A Homeowner or the Contractor can obtain this permit. you have verified what the zoning district allows for and your property is platted, you can proceed with a building permit application. Development Services is responsible for issuing residential building permits for property located within the City limits. The City of San Antonio has designed a website so that you may easily find the forms and applications you will need, but Small House Solutions has an in-house team to do the permitting hassles for you.
For more information about zoning, building and permitting in San Antonio, TX, please visit